
How To View Error Log Dynamics 365 Upload

Joe Crozier Asks: Stack summit two rows (including column proper name) onto other dataframe
I have two data frames:


                  df<-structure(list(`Active Contact*` = "Entries must exist in a Yep or No format. Merely active staff may be added to a protocol.",      `First Name*` = "Gratis text field. [255]", `Middle Name  ` = "Free text field. [255]",      `Last Name*` = "Free text field. [255]", `Email**  ` = "This field is required when the contact is a user or the contact has any of the Receives Broadcast Emails, Receives Notifications, or Receives Administrative Organisation Notifications settings set to Yes.\r\nThis field must be mapped if Electronic mail is selected in the Unique Identifier field. Entries must be unique beyond all contacts (both agile and inactive) and must exist in a valid email format (abc@efg.zyx).  [254]"), row.names = c(NA,  -1L), course = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))  df2<-construction(list(ActiveContact = c("Yep", "Yep", "Yep", "Yep",  "Aye", "Aye", "Yes"), fname = c("practice", "practise", "exercise",  "practice", "practice", "practice", "practise"), middlename = c(NA,  NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), lname = c("PI", "research nurse", "research nurse",  "research nurse", "regulatory", "regulatory", "regulatory"),      email = c("", "", "",      "", "", "",      "")), row.names = c(NA, -7L), class = c("tbl_df",  "tbl", "data.frame"))                

I need to use the the column proper name from df, and likewise the starting time row from df.... as column name and showtime row in df2 (replacing the cavalcade name from df2, and as well pushing the first row in df2 downward 1 row to fit).

My expected output would be: enter image description here

I know the column names are terrible (weird symbols and spaces and things I hate), and besides I know the offset row that I need is total of all sorts of stuff I typically hate, simply I demand this for my output format.

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